Miguel Gonzalez is up first with a take on two deportations. Were you expecting anything different?
So, this couple either has something nefarious in their background or they didn’t care too much other than doing the bare minimum in hope they would be forgotten and fall between the cracks.
GatorDoug at The DaleyGator is facing one of the toughest times in life.Prayers for my mom are appreciated……
Now her Dementia has grown more acute. And the doctor has said the best option is Hospice. So, I ask your prayers.
Next, a 6 minute video from Tousi TV - The BBC's Vile ATTACK Against The Jews
Let's talk about how the BBC is biased against Israel. Here is some more evidence.
Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 22 March 2025: Tapir, Ghost, and Jerboa Edition
What's behind Jeff Bezos' changed relationship with Donald Trump? (Ars Technica)
Reality. Something with which the Ars commentariat is demonstrably unfamiliar. The article itself is from the Financial Times which is why it's less insane than usual.
Meep at STUMP - DOGE: The Shot Across The Bow
In which we look at the antithesis of DOGE (plus some other vocabulary words): the real Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the fictional Circumlocution Office, and what is the point of cutting all these rinky-dink agencies?
Miguel Gonzalez - Take them at their word.
And prepare accordingly.
The Other McCain - The Intersection of Dunning-Kruger Effect and the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect
If you were in need of expert guidance, wouldn’t you seek out someone smarter and more knowledgeable than you? Wouldn’t you try to research their background to determine if they were qualified to advise you? Or at least ask around for recommendations from friends? If you were looking for insight on the current political situation, who would you trust?
Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: A Week of Beatings
Top linkers for the week ending March 21:
- EBL (11)
- 357 Magnum (10)
When I was starting out as a Chicago City Hall reporter for that big metropolitan paper—when we could smoke in newsrooms on deadline, curse, tell jokes, laugh and wore jackets and ties to work—I had one rule.
I’d often discuss this rule with my political sources, elected officials, cops, city workers and others:
Lie to me just once, just once, and I’ll burn you to the ground.
Again from The Other McCain - Chuck Schumer Tells the Truth?
Schumer would have had to order Democrats to vote “no” on cloture, thus filibustering the bill. Democrats are on record denouncing the filibuster as an outdated vestige of Jim Crow, just like Democrats are on record declaring that government shutdowns are horrible, and yet the Left was demanding that Schumer invoke a filibuster to cause a shutdown? The optics of such a maneuver would be awful, and Schumer could see that train coming down the tracks at full steam. All those video clips of what Democrats said about filibusters and shutdowns in the past would have been playing on endless loop, and if you think the favorability of the Democratic Party is bad now, it would have been far worse with a “Schumer shutdown.” This is just a fact.
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