25 March 2025

If You Break Into Homes ...

You will eventually find an armed homeowner. EXCLUSIVE: Homeowner shoots, critically injures teen after teen allegedly breaks into home in Spanish Fort

A 17-year-old does technically qualify as a "teen," but I wouldn't be surprised if the DA decided to prosecute him as an adult.

[Police Chief John ] Barber says a 17-year-old broke into the home and the homeowner fired one shot, striking the teen in the upper abdomen. Barber says the homeowner immediately called 911. [SNIP]

“Our officers were able to apply chest seals to the individual that was suffering from the gunshot wound,” said Barber. “It was a substantial wound. He was airlifted to University Hospital. At this time, we believe he is critical, but stable.”

Spanish Fort, Alabama is directly across Mobile Bay from Mobile, Alabama, or about a 9 mile drive east of downtown Mobile on Interstate 10.

The article mentions that Alabama has a Stand Your Ground Law, but since this guy was in his own home, it would be the Castle Doctrine part of such a law.

“Inside your residence, you don’t have to retreat,” said Barber. “The homeowner took what we believe was a reasonable step to protect himself and his family. Eventually, this will be presented to a grand jury to make sure this was the case, but t that’s the initial investigation.”

Self-defense is a human-right.

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