24 March 2025

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Was Worse Than a Joke

From The Daily Wire: Inside The Now-Shuttered Federal Agency Where Employees Lived ‘Like Reigning Kings’

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) is one of the worst examples of government waste, and general insanity that you will ever read about.

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) occupied a nine-story office tower on D.C.’s K Street for only 60 employees, many of whom actually worked from home, prior to the pandemic. Its managers had luxury suites with full bathrooms; one manager would often be “in the shower” when she was needed, while another used her bathroom as a cigarette lounge. FMCS recorded its director as being on a years-long business trip to D.C. so he could have all of his meals and living expenses covered by taxpayers, simply for showing up to the office.

That is only the beginning of the insanity, it goes off the deep end from there.

This is what the Democrats are fighting to keep. Pure insanity. Oh, and don't expect the mainstream media to report on this, people might get the idea that D.O.G.E. is justified.

Hat tip Lawrence Person's Battleswarm Blog: Another Useless Agency Bilking Taxpayers Uncovered.

Another day, another revelation of another useless government agency where bureaucrats lived like kings on the taxpayer’s dime.

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