23 March 2025

A Miguel’s Substack Musical Interlude

Miguel Gonzalez brings us a song I have not heard in a couple of decades, or so. Sunday Repose

Click thru for "The Raven" by The Alan Parsons Project from their debut album Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Edgar Allan Poe).

The Alan Parsons Project was quite the thing in the middle 1970s. I didn't own this album, but I did own I Robot, and The Turn of a Friendly Card by that group.

Alan Parsons worked as an audio engineer at Abbey Road Studios, on a lot of well-known albums, including The Beatles' album Abbey Road, and the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon. He was also a musician and a composer, but this is where he "made a name" for himself. While working there he met songwriter and pianist Eric Woolfson. Together the formed Alan Parsons Project, and released Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Edgar Allan Poe) in 1976.

1 comment:

  1. An old favorite of mine from my college days. Oh so long ago in the last century.


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