People are crazy, and crazy people are dangerous NYC leftist sees a happy family driving in a Cybertruck, so he reacts how any unhinged lunatic would - Louder With Crowder
Imagine chasing after a car made by a company owned by a guy whose political opinions you don't like and not thinking that you are the assclown in the situation. You'd be this dinkus chasing after a Cybertruck in NYC. Whether or not he knows why he is angry is open for debate. Again, he lives in NYC. There is an above-average chance he is low-information, easily manipulated by social issues, and believes anything he sees on the Internet about people he is told to no longer like. Hence, cursing out a family in one of Elon Musk's creations.
Since Tesla vehicles have a lot of cameras, there is video of the idiot in question.
And following the trail of links to X, there is apparently an entire subreddit devoted to people who are flipping off Tesla owners. "Doing their part," or something.
This doesn't even cover the people doing actually destruction of property.
And just for fun... "People Are Crazy" by Billy Currington.
God is great,
Beer is good, and
People are crazy.
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