15 March 2025

Even Family Can Be a Threat

The gun-hating part of the Left loves to go on - at length - about how if you own a gun, you are more likely to shoot someone you know than a complete stranger. There is a good reason for that. Man fatally shoots brother to save elderly mom in Los Angeles, police say | NewsNation

He broke in with a baseball bat and attacked his 80-year-old mother. While he was breaking stuff in her house with the bat, she managed to call her other son, who raced to home.

“When he arrived, he saw his mother on the floor,” [Samuel Marullo, a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department] said. “He saw his [older] brother on top of her, choking her. He fired a warning shot with a shotgun that he brought from his business, and his brother continued to choke his mother.”

When the assault did not stop, that’s when he turned the shotgun on his older brother and fired a single shot, killing him.

Just because someone is family, does not guarantee that they will never be a threat.

As for the "someone you know" category, the list is quite large. Disgruntled ex-employees. Ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends. The coworker who morphed into a stalker. The guy from the coffee shop or the gas station that you see a few days a week. Just because you know someone, does not mean they will never be a threat to your safety.

The case remains under investigation, and the DA will make the final call on any charges, (this is California, after all). It is, however, clear that LAPD considers this justified. What would you do if someone, even a family member, was attacking your mother?

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