24 March 2025


Social media can make you crazy, but if you stick to stuff like music and movies it isn't all bad. Case in point, a band that I found back in June of last year. (Thanks to William Teach of Pirate's Cove!) Well, it isn't too surprising that I didn't know of them, since Thrash and Metalcore are not to my taste, generally speaking.

It is unusual, or maybe it used to be unusual, for an American Metal band to feature the Death Metal, Death Growl. But that's what we get, from either Heidi Shepherd or Carla Harvey. I haven't sorted out who is who, because thrash is still not my thing. Here is a link to the lyrics. You will need them.

This song is "Lilith" by Butcher Babies. It is the title song to their 2017 album.

I'm glad I made note of where I stumbled across them, because this has been stuck in drafts for a very long time!

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