25 March 2025

Court Rulings Are Only Good When They Favor Leftist Causes

Or something. The level of tone-deaf takes in this article is amazing. Greenpeace $660mn damages ruling shocks global NGOs

Greenpeace was just hit with $660 million in damages, as awarded by a jury, in their "mostly peaceful," but somewhat violent, "protest" against an oil pipeline company. The Left is surprised to discover that "protest" and "violence" are two different things, only one of which is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Environmental defenders rallied behind Greenpeace after the shock ruling by a North Dakota jury fuelled concerns that courtrooms were increasingly being used to smother critics.

Hat tip to William Teach of Pirate's Cove: Global NGOs Shocked And Dismayed Over Greenpeace $660 Million In Damages Ruling

Violence and defamation are not protest. But, hey, if they are saying they cannot operate without doing that, well, too bad.

There is more, at both links. William Teach has a lot of thoughts for the NGOs, and their "mostly protests." The first link has hand-wringing from the NGOs about how will they go on if they can't defame people and destroy equipment.

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