What did he gain? Father gets 13 years for shooting youth football coach over son’s playing time
A St. Louis father was upset that his son wasn't getting enough playing time in a football league of 9 and 10 year olds. So he got in an argument with the (volunteer) coach.
Both men were armed. According to prosecutors, the coach handed his gun to a friend and told Clemmons they should fight with fists. Clemmons rejected that idea and shot Latimore five times. The father ran but turned himself in to police later that evening.
So he shot an unarmed man 5 times. Why? To prove how "tough" he is? Didn't work.
Not sure how Missouri handles stuff like this, but at a guess that means he will spend at least 6 or 7 years in prison, not seeing his son play football.
Is violence really the only way people handle disagreements in the 21st Century?
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