If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, don't you dare call it a duck, you anti-duck bigot! Children among 28 injured as car driven into Munich crowd in 'suspected attack'
Workers taking part in a union demonstration were walking along a street when the car overtook a police vehicle that was accompanying the group, according to officers in the German city.
They said the car then sped up and ploughed into the back of the group, before police opened fire.
Well, what is the evidence that this was an actual terror attack?
A 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, Farhad N, has been arrested after officers fired a shot at the vehicle.
No evidence at all. I'm sure it's just that his breaks failed. Or something.
After this attack and the Christmas market attack in Magdeburg, I really do expect Germany to outlaw cars, because it is definitely the fault of the gun, the knife, the car, and not a problem with the man, or with immigration from third world countries.
Hat tip to Gates of Vienna: Vehicular Jihad in Munich
And then there’s always the mental health angle. I’m certain the confused youngster has a history of psychological issues.
The European authorities will do anything right now but face facts on Terror, so yeah, they might pawn it off as someone who is emotionally disturbed.
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