12 February 2025

Get Woke, Go Broke - Nashville FD Edition

The Fire Department thought they could control what he said as a private individual. They were wrong. Former Nashville fireman awarded nearly $1.8 million in civil rights case following demotion from social media posts

He posted stuff on his personal F*c*book page that the Woke Scolds found offensive, but then they are perpetually offended.

“He was demoted from his position as Captain to the lowest rank in the department based on his political comments regarding such issues as violent protests by Black Lives Matter, the COVID-19 mask mandate and global warming,” Larry L. Crain, Esq. said.

He offered to settle the lawsuit for a bit over $100,000 in March of 2024.

The Council voted 31-0 with three abstentions to reject the settlement to pay him $105,000 after he filed a lawsuit against the city after he was demoted for posting what the city said were a series of racially inflammatory posts on his Facebook page.

Since they wouldn't settle, it went before a jury.

The jury awarded him $1,775,513 in damages, because they violated his first amendment rights.

Now the City of Nashville is government, so I doubt this would carry over to the private sector, though it should, or do you think your employer should control you every minute of your day?

Hat tip to Miguel Gonzalez: Nashville stood on Woke, Taxpayers paid the price.

Ouch, that has to hurt. But when you have a City Council that wants to be more San Francisco than the City by the Bay, this things will happen.

I found the lawsuit online if you care to read it. It does stink of Woke politics to appease general dumbasses and to wave the banner of “WE BE WOKEST!”

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