28 January 2025

Tuesday Links - 28 January

Vietnam veteran Paul S. Gardiner at The Gateway Pundit is up first with Anthony Fauci’s Presidential Pardon Versus State Crimes

Regarding Anthony Fauci’s recent presidential pardon, the Office of the Pardon Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, states that “the President’s authority to grant clemency is limited to federal offenses and offenses prosecuted by the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia in the name of the United States in the D.C. Superior Court. An offense that violates a state law is not an offense against the United States.”

SiGraybeard - America's Worst Week in Spaceflight - An Annual Remembrance

January 27, 1967 was the hellish demise of Apollo 1 and her crew, Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffee and Ed White, during a pad test, not a flight. In that article, Ars Technica interviews key men associated with the mission. In the intervening years, I've heard speculation that we never would have made it to the moon without something to shake out a bit of the NASA management idiocy, but that may just be people logically justifying their opinions.

The Other McCain - Is the ‘Patriot Front’ a Fed PsyOp?

So now, just four days after Trump got back in the White House, BOOM! The Patriot Front shows up in D.C., and we’re all expected to think this is just a coincidence? A spontaneous event?

Pam Bondi will soon be confirmed as Attorney General, and Kash Patel will be the new FBI director, and my hunch — just a hunch, not a conspiracy theory — is that we will soon see the Patriot Front disappear, like the morning dew evaporating in the noonday sun.

Theo Spark - Cleaning House at the Secret Service ...............from Rico

SS agent Sean Curran has been appointed Dir Secret Service and he's NOT playing games...at least 10 Senior SS officers have been told they will either be fired, demoted, or forced to retire.

Second City Cop - Interesting Observation

Unfortunately, children aren't meant to be educated by schools. Kids exist solely as hostages for the teachers' unions and administrators to force more money from state taxpayers and to extort money on the national level.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: A Long Week Of Much Baseball

Top linkers for the week ending January 24::

  1.  EBL (8)
  2.  357 Magnum (7)
  3.  A View From The Beach (6)

Miguel Gonzalez has a rant on the lack of firearm knowledge among the Professional Journalist (so called) class. This is the kind of stuff that give me nosebleeds.

But never forget these are the people who know better than us about guns and should be allowed to tell us how to own them.

Irons in the Fire has a post on the insanity going on in the UK. Once saw a video from a talk where Mark Steyn and another guy were speaking against

Steyn took a minute to reply and flayed(metaphorically, unfortunately) the skin off the asshat, including "Apparently I'm just not sophisticated enough to see the humor in child rape."

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