Fear of being called names, stopped the police from taking action. "They will call be a bad name, and I can't face that." So they stood by while thousands of underage girls were raped. The Biggest Peacetime Crime—and Cover-up—in British History
What is that saying about evil flourishing where good men do nothing? These were the wrong kind of crimes, with the wrong kind of criminals, and the victims were white. Can't possibly take any of it on for fear of upsetting "community relations," or being called names.
The serial rape of thousands of English girls went on for many years. Few in power cared. Then Elon Musk started tweeting.
The media wouldn't report it. The police would not investigate. Politicians actually interfered with the few police investigations, calling the claims "sensationalized."
The grooming and serial rape of thousands of English girls by men of mostly Pakistani Muslim background over several decades is the biggest peacetime crime in the history of modern Europe. It went on for many years. It is still going on. And there has been no justice for the vast majority of the victims.
A few media outlets tried to cover the story. A few police organizations tried to do something. In one particularly stupid case - where there was DNA evidence, and video testimony - the Crown Prosecution Service declined to prosecute because they were afraid of "appearing racist."
No points for Justice. Negative points for cowardice.
I could recount the whole article. Just go read it for yourself.
Hat top to Keri Smith and her YouTube livestream Media Covers UK Pakistani Grooming Gangs After Musk Draws Attn - LIVE #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith. (It is still going on as I type this, so I don't know how long it will be. Much in excess of an hour is my guess.)
It is odd to see this finally in the news. Here are a few posts from the 357 Magnum Archives from 2018 through 2020. But no one wanted to be called names, so they ignore the situation.
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