07 January 2025

First He Got Shot, Then He Was Arrested

I'm guessing that wasn't how he planned his day. Police: Florida man arrested after being accused of breaking into cars, shot by homeowner | FOX 35 Orlando

A homeowner was alerted to someone going through his vehicles. He went outside.

An official police report shows the resident confronted two men, and one shot a gun at the resident, who then returned fire.

Palm Bay, Florida is just north and east of Melbourne on the Space Coast. That makes it about a 75 mile drive southwest of Orlando, or a 30 mile drive south of Cape Canaveral.

A short time after the shooting, Javone Williams arrived at Palm Bay ER with a gunshot wound.

Williams gave police an explanation, but his wounds didn't fit that, they found no evidence to support his explanation, his close match those on the security video, and his girlfriend declined to support his story.

Williams was arrested and is being charged with armed burglary with a firearm, aggravated assault with a firearm, discharging a firearm from a vehicle, discharging a firearm in a residential area and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

That's right. Gun Control laws, that state Williams should not have a gun, failed to stop Williams from having a gun. Is anyone shocked to discover that criminals break the law?

Hat tip to The Blaze: Convicted felon opens fire on armed homeowner who confronts him burglarizing car, cops say. But homeowner is the better shot.

Jail records also indicate Williams was arrested three other times in 2024, once in 2023, four times in 2020, twice in 2017, and twice in 2016.

So will they lock him up this time, or will they wait until he kills someone? He could have killed someone this time around. It was only the fact that he is a bad shot, that he didn't. He certainly seemed to be willing to kill someone. This is why I am not in favor of confronting burglars. This incident could have turned out much worse for the homeowner, but you do you.

Self-defense is a human right, and this didn't take place in New York City.


  1. Out of all those Charges ,I didn't see
    Attempted Murder.
    Why not?

    1. This is just what the police had written up. Decisions on final charges are up to the DA. Or that's my guess.

    2. I'm going to play I'm a cop. Writing suggestions to the DA, I'm kinda thinking attempted murder is going to pop up in that list

  2. A convicted felon with firearm. In the commission of a crime. Golly. I reckon more laws are needed.


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