Headlines never tell the whole story. Store manager shoots suspect during shoplifting attempt | News | Fox13 Memphis. In some cases I think they craft the headline to hide the facts.
A crew was trying to leave a store with groceries that they did not pay for.
Court documents allege that prior to the shooting, the manager spotted three people — including two teens — rolling carts of food worth about $200 out of the grocery store and followed them into the parking lot to try and stop them. That was when the driver of a getaway van got out and threatened to kill the manager, fired a gun shot in the air and then pointed it at the manager.
At that point the manager returned fire, hitting the getaway driver.
Four people were eventually arrested. The guy who got shot, a 22-year-old, and two 17-year-olds. The guy who got shot, was still in the hospital, a few days after the incident, the 22 year old was in the county lockup. Information on "the two teens" was withheld.
So no, the store manager didn't just shoot a shoplifter. Could it be that a Professional Journalist™ doesn't like the idea of armed self-defense? The store manager defended himself in the face of a reasonable threat of death or grave bodily injury. If someone points a gun at you, that is a reasonable threat.
Self-defense is a human right, and there is no mention of charging the store manager with anything, because Memphis is not New York City.
The real question to ask is if the store manager still has his job. Virtually ALL corporations ban their employees from possessing the means to defend themselves while on he job and will immediately fire anyone who violates that policy.