13 January 2025

Politics and the Los Angeles Fire

What happens when you destroy everything in favor of the gods of the environment? What happens when you care more about your career than your job? What happens when you care more about your hair cut than the people of California? (That last is about Gavin N.)

Nothing good happens under those circumstances.

Victor Davis Hason called this "a systems collapse," and a "DEI, Green-New-Deal, hydrogen bomb," and "something out of Dante's Inferno."

Chris Gore, of Film Threat, who lives in Pasadena, and was on Friday Night Tights, had this to say.

Climate change is the “dog ate my homework” excuse for politicians to avoid accountability.

Dr. Drew Pinsky points out, on The Rubin Report, that the high-speed rail is $80 billion over budget, and to date not one foot of rail has been laid.

And yes, that is a lot of video. I think they all add something to your understanding of what is happening in California. You don't have to watch all of it in one sitting.

As for the Friday Night Tights, both Gary and Ryan did previously live in California, and as I mentioned Chris Gore currently lives in Pasadena, California, and I believe that X-Ray Girl grew up in Los Angeles.

You can find more at my previous post on this topic: DEI and the Los Angeles Fire

1 comment:

  1. The damages from just the recent SoCal fires is large enough to be larger than budgets of some fedgov agencies and departments. Large enough to put a serious dent in DoD spending. Large enough to surpass line items in a fed budget, if Congress ever again passes a budget.

    The point is CA cannot pay. All of the people in the several states will pay. The insurance pool of the most populous state is not large enough to cover the costs as it stands right now. The costs are still rising.

    The costs would have to be amortized over, what half a century.
    I think that is the plan. Or, part of the larger plan which is to bring down the U.S. of A.

    Methinks the season of the lamp post is upon us.


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