24 January 2025

Friday Links - 24 January

The Post Millennial starts us off with a story of Antifa and finances. Antifa's operations in Dallas revealed in new lawsuit

There are also concerns that critical evidence may have been withheld during the discovery phase of the trial after forensic analysis revealed incomplete production of materials.

Professor David Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 - Risk Analysis: Is Moderate Drinking Okay? Is Gun Ownership Okay?

Beyond my personal interest in alcohol, Thompson makes some excellent observations that bear on the risk calculations involved in owning firearms. I discuss the issue of risk in Chapter 6 (“Pascal’s Wager and Firearms”) and Chapter 7 (“Guns as Risk Factors for Negative Outcomes”) of my book, Gun Curious.

Legal Insurrection - Biden Issues Preemptive Pardons for Milley, Fauci, J6 Committee, and Others

At the very last minute, President Joe Biden issued preemptive pardons for Gen. Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci, members of the J6 Committee, and those who testified before the committee.

Meep at STUMP - Falls are Dangerous for Seniors: Nancy Pelosi and Pope Francis

I wanted to wait a bit to make sure Nancy Pelosi was okay, but after the Pope had two falls in quick succession, I wanted to remind everybody, especially in this slippery season: FALLS ARE DANGEROUS FOR SENIORS.

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog - Jellyfish Machine Gun 12, Greenpeace Hippies 0

Here’s a heart-warming, feel good story about a bunch of Greenpeace hippies that thought it was a swell idea to land on a United States Navy submarine, and the submariners who quickly taught them the errors of their ways.

Moonbattery - Climate Kooks Come After Anesthesia

Imagine a whole party of ideologues so deranged as to believe that using anesthesia to alleviate pain during medical procedures should be restricted on behalf of the weather. Then imagine how bad things are likely to get with these malevolent lunatics in control.

DaleyGator - Forest bathing……?

Another case of Good Freaking Grief

Theo Spark - Southport- Unforgivable failings - Andrew Lawrence

Government heads must roll.....

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 22 January 2025: Planes, Trains, And Submarines Edition

The founder of IMDB is stepping down from the role of CEO after 35 years. (Tech Crunch)

If you do the math, then yes, that means IMDB is older than the web. It started on Usenet on the rec.arts.movies newsgroup during the late Cretaceous.

Area Ocho - Safety, My Ass

They also tell you that, if you comply with a police officer’s demands, you won’t get shot. The traffic stop that involved Jason Arrington proved that to be a lie. I tried to find a copy of the bodycam video that I could embed, but that was a no-go. Here are two links to the video.

Don Surber - Democrat overkill made Trump stronger

An idiotic panty raid and unprecedented indictments turned his win into a landslide

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