A lot of carbon. Massive supervolcano is waking up, and that's not a good thing - Earth-dot-com
OK. My first beef with this article. There is no such thing a small supervolcano. Calling it massive is redundant. [Insert video of "Word Crimes" by Weird Al here.]
The Phlegraean Fields, now considered one massive supervolcano, are beginning to stir, making the scientific community uneasy.
These volcanic fields, nestled just west of Naples, Italy, are among the top eight emitters of volcanic carbon dioxide worldwide.
The estimates are that one crater in the supervolcano is emitting between 4,000 and 5,000 tons of carbon dioxide daily. That is like burning half a million gallons of gasoline everyday.
Click thru for the history of the region. I will only say that the last eruption was in the 1500s.
Hat tip to Clayton Cramer. Can We Tax Mother Earth? A lot people say carbon taxes will force people to change their behavior. I don't think that will work in this case. (Actually I don't think it will work in any case.)
There are 7 sites worldwide that are emitting MORE carbon than that daily.
I should have looked this up... According to the info I can find online, the US burns about 370 million gallons of gasoline a day.