08 December 2024

Remember How Republicans Were Too Depressed to Work in 2020?

Me neither. Derek Hunter at Townhall: Fire Your Whiny Employees Too Upset Over The Election To Do Their Work

The article lists “5 Signs of Functional Depression in the Workplace,” which includes not showing up or showing up but basically vegetating while there, not talking with anyone, not doing their job, not talking to anyone who disagrees with them politically, and being moody. In other words, I am a lazy loser sulking all day while collecting a paycheck. Good work, if you can get it.

They offer solutions to employers, not to the losers who can’t function as adults anymore because their side lost an election. They are “Acknowledge the Emotional Toll,” “Offer Mental Health Resources,” “Encourage Flexibility,” “Foster Inclusive Conversations,” and “Provide Training for Managers.”

I'm guessing that all of these Leftists who show up to work, but do no work, are not doing any actual work. Not driving a truck or a forklift. Not working behind a cash register. Not stocking shelves. No, these people are too good for those jobs. They are not sending out bills, or answering phones. They aren't doing hair or nails, or cleaning teeth, or...

They have jobs so important it doesn't seem anyone is noticing that they aren't doing any work.

Here’s an easier way to handle it: Tell your employees who aren’t doing their jobs because Donald Trump won that they can either do the job they are paid to do or find a new job. To help facilitate that search, you will happily unburden them from the constraints of their current employment so they can spend all day doing it.

There is more. I particularly like the section on not hiring someone who will be a lawsuit at some point in their employment, though the section on the Leftist echo chamber created by the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) is also good. RTWT.

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