Democrats are never wrong; the voters are wrong. Just ask the Democrats. (Actually you don't have to ask; they will go on at length about how the voters are wrong.) From The Other McCain: The Dumbest Take on the 2024 Election
A few weeks ago, I bought a copy of Thomas Sowell’s 1987 book A Conflict of Visions as a gift for a young man who was struggling with his political views. My intention is, once he’s finished reading that, to give him the second book of that Sowell trilogy, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy (1995), which I consider the best analysis of liberalism as a psychological phenomenon.
Looks like I have some new reading to get through.
Because I do not want to “smarten a chump,” I won’t explain in detail why this analysis is so wrong, but if you’re willing to risk retardation, you can read the entirety of Sarah Bernstein’s op-ed column and notice that she never once entertains the possibility that the Biden administration’s policies were unpopular because they were bad policies. Nor does it seem to cross Bernstein’s mind that perhaps Kamala Harris was a bad candidate who ran a bad campaign. No, if Democrats lose an election, Bernstein automatically assumes, it’s because the voters are wrong.
Go read the whole thing.
For a great take on how the Democrats refuse to admit that they did ANYTHING wrong, see my post: The 2024 Election Dissected by My Favorite Leftist. (They aren't all insane.)
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