02 December 2024

The 2024 Election Dissected by My Favorite Leftist

Shoe0nHead isn't your typical blue-haird Leftist. She didn't shave her head in protest of the election results. I guess she actually predicted the election results (I haven't see that video yet) She actually looks at the world, and has interesting things to say. Her videos are long, about half an hour each, but they don't come out every day, and they are entertaining AF.

In this video she takes apart the Democrats and the Kamala Harris campaign. And while she does give the Democrats some advice, she tells Republicans to not worry about it, because the Democrats won't listen to her. They will continue to call people names, say that Kamala ran a "flawless" campaign, and do the same thing the next time around.

The truth is my last video was way meaner and way harsher than the final product turned out to be. When I showed the video to my assistant, he basically had an intervention with me and he was like,
Listen you need to soften this up a bit. It's a few days before the election, you went too hard.

Well the election is over, and I'm sorry River but, I'm going hard.

You idiots. You morons. You imbeciles.

And then she let's the Dems have it.

One part I particularly liked is the section on Joe Rogan, in which Shoe0nHead talks about the Left's discussion of Joe Rogan: ShoeOnHead "We Need a Liberal Joe Rogan." It's a one minute clip.

Of course, they had a "Liberal Joe Rogan." His name? Joe Rogan. He endorsed Bernie Sanders back in the day. So they tried to destroy him. How dare you not go along with the establishment! [in your best Gretta T. voice] How dare you!

This is the Shoe0nHead video Downfall of The Democrats | The Truth About The 2024 Election. As I mentioned, it is a bit long at 37 minutes, but it is fun to see a Leftist/Populist take apart the Democratic establishment.

In one section of the video, a Democratic Party anayst said something about White men without college degrees ruining this country. Her response?

First of all, white men without college degrees built this country, [ __ ].

1 comment:

  1. OK. So I finally watched her video from before the election. It is more focused on why the Democrats and the Left seem to be doing everything in their power to alienate young men. It's probably worth your time, even if she does hit the high points in this video. If you're interested, click thru to YT and go to her channel.


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