04 October 2024

You Can't Have Government Run Health Care Without Health Care Workers

I'm shocked that people don't want to work for a giant government bureaucracy. Young nurses are leaving over working conditions, study says | Financial Post

Let government run health care, they say. It will be totally different from the DMV.

Canada’s health care system is struggling to hold on to young workers, with the number of nurses leaving the profession before they turn 35 up sharply in recent years, according to a report released by the Montreal Economic Institute.

40 percent of trained nurses in Canada have left nursing by the time they are 35. That is the average. In some locations it is much worse.

Manitoba lost less than one third of its young nurses in 2022, while many provinces’ ratios were closer to one half.

New Brunswick performed worst of all, losing eight young nurses for every 10 that entered the profession.

What does all this mean? Delays. Waits for hospital admissions. In Florida, there is a cottage industry of treating Canadians who go to Florida, have an "event" and get treated. There are even Health Canada offices in Florida to help with the billing.

And the rate at which nurses are leaving is accelerating.

In Ontario, for every 100 young nurses who entered the field in 2022, 35.1 left the profession. This figure is 83 per cent higher than in 2013.

There are several reasons given. Click thru for the details.

You can't have a health care system without nurses. Whoever is footing the bill. (Hat tip to Small Dead Animals: Best Healthcare System In The World.)

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