06 October 2024

You Can Say Any Vile Thing, As Long As You're On the Left

You can call for the assassination of a presidential candidate, or make jokes about such attempts, as long as that candidate is a Republican. But if you are not in lock step with the Left, you must be canceled. Why? You are deemed dangerous. The Left calling for violence is not dangerous. The Right calling for Liberty is.

This is a story of someone in Hollywood being canceled for daring to NOT be a Democrat.

This is the Brandon Straka interview with Susan Olsen (who played Cindy Brady) and how she got canceled. How Wokeness Killed The Brady Bunch Reboot: An Exclusive Interview w/Susan Olsen (Parts 1 & 2) The video is a bit long, and more than 90 minutes. It is just 2 people talking so I had it on in the background while working on other things.

The title to this post is not quite a quote from Susan Olsen in the interview.

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