01 October 2024

The State of the US Air Traffic Control System

It isn't like Air Traffic Control is important, or anything. Ancient US air traffic control systems won't get a tech refresh before 2030

The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) air traffic control (ATC) systems are perilously out of date, but don't expect replacements anytime soon, says the US Government Accountability Office (GAO).

In a report released Monday, the GAO said that 51 of the FAA's 138 ATC systems – more than a third – were unsustainable due to a lack of parts, shortfalls in funding to sustain them, or a lack of technology refresh funding to replace them. A further 54 systems were described as "potentially unsustainable" for similar reasons, with the added caveat that tech refresh funding was available to them.

Go read the whole depressing thing.

Hat tip to Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony and Daily News Stuff 25 September 2024: Launchtime Doubly So Edition

US air traffic control systems are fucked. (The Register)

That's it. That's the story.

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