13 October 2024

If You Don't Like DEI-Infested Games, You're a Bad Person

Sweet Baby Inc. is a consulting company that "works" on video games to increase their DEI quotients. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, in video games, like it push into Hollywood, does not improve storytelling, or gameplay. It does provide employment for the "consultants." Several of the games that Sweet Baby Inc. has been associated with recently, have flopped spectacularly. Both the flops, and their involvement in the flops, and the reason the games were flops shined a light on the DEI consulting companies in the gaming arena. The CEO of Sweet Baby Inc., Kim Belair, is not happy in the spotlight these days.

And she is calling gamers who don't like these Woke games some vile names. See the articles linked below the video.

The most recent big-name game that has Sweet Baby Inc. fingerprints all over it is from Rocksteady Studios and Warner Brothers. It is Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. It is technically part of the Batman Arkham series, but while those games were massively successful, Kill The Justice League can't be described in anyway, except as a failure. You can find their other games listed at the DEI-Detected website.

Derek Anderson is a YouTube creator who has a lot of energy. I like a lot of his takes on stuff. This video made me smile, on a day when I needed a smile.

This is Derek Anderson - The D.A. video PURE PANIC MODE!! Sweet Baby Inc SCRUBS Website! Kim Belair CRIES VICTIM! The Walls Are CLOSING IN!!

A couple of the stories that The D.A. covers in the video linked are below.

First from That Park Place: Sweet Baby Inc. Redesigns Its Website To Remove Client And Game List As Well As Hide Its Woke Agenda

Sweet Baby Inc. redesigned its website to remove its client and game list in an apparent attempt to hide its woke agenda to potential clients.

There was a page that listed all of their clients. Then they redesigned it to make it impossible to simply copy the text. Now they have removed all reference to what companies they have worked with and what games they have impacted.

Next from Bounding Into Comics we have Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair Reflects On Company Backlash, Says Anti-DEI Critics Are Coming Together Under The “Rallying Cry Of Far-Right Supremacy”

In the opinion of company CEO Kim Belair, not only has the ongoing discourse surrounding the work of Sweet Baby Inc. amounted to nothing more than a “campaign of harassment”, but its critics’ opposition to the concept of corporate-styled ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ is an indicator of their “far-right” ideals.

Because like the folks in Hollywood can't admit that their TV shows and movies are horrible, the people from Sweet Baby Inc. and the rest of the DEI consulting firms can't admit that they are making horrible games. If you don't like a gender-swapped Han Solo in the latest Star Wars game, you are a sexist, at least according to DEI consultants. It goes on from there.

The one ray of sunshine from all of this, is that the name-calling is starting to elicit laughter. When game like Kill the Justice League, or Concord, or Dusborn gets hammered in the marketplace, calling your potential customers -ists and -phobes, over and over and over again, starts to sound like insanity. (Dustborn debuted to 83 concurrent users on Steam as an example.)

Politics are downstream of culture. For too long the Right has abandoned pop culture to the Progressive Left. "It's only comics. It's only video games. It's only movies and TV." It is only the culture. And now they are shocked to discover that the culture is screwed up, the politics are screwed up and more. Add in the Right's abandonment of education to the Left, turning state-run education into little more than communist indoctrination, and it is no wonder that this country is in bad shape. In the past 30 years, or more, if anyone on the Right even noticed what was going on in Pop Culture it was to denouce something. Even now, I don't think most people recognize where the rot begins.

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