13 October 2024

Four Legged Threats

I don't know why people are shocked to discover that nature is "red, in tooth and claw." Duck hunter fends off wolves, kills one with shotgun in ‘self defense’

A 19-year old Sugar Camp man shot and killed a wolf while hunting waterfowl the morning of Sept. 21.

The wolf kill was confirmed by both the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service who’s been handed the investigation into the events.

The DNR has issued a statement saying they feel the shooting was justified, and was done so in self defense.

Nature is not the way it was depicted in the Disney movies of the 1960s and 1970s. Wild animals are cuddly creatures. Carnivores are definitely not to be taken lightly. And as this story indicates, you are only an apex predator when you're armed.

One entity that reached out was Hunter Nation, a staunch advocate for the delisting of wolves from the Endangered Species list.

I haven't looked, but I'm pretty sure you will find someone, who thinks their local park is the deep forest, that has a problem with someone defending himself in this fashion.

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