25 October 2024

Friday Links - 25 October

This Ain't Hell is up first with an important message about Delta Airlines. Delta deplanes Marine for anti-suicide shirt. Click thru for a look at the t-shirt in question.

But a non-abusive, non-obscene T-shirt supporting what the government has described as a health crisis cause – the high rate of veterans’ suicides? Threatening? [SNIP]

Quick hint for ya, Delta – you fly NOWHERE I want to go that other airlines don’t also go.

SiGraybeard - Starship Test Flight 5 "Worries" The IAC

The worries end up being nothing negative about the test flight itself. The worries are that SpaceX is so far ahead of the rest of the industry that they can't catch up.

Flopping Aces - NYT: Why Is Trump Gaining With Black and Hispanic Voters?

The headline says it all, and it’s one of those questions where “If you have to ask the question, you won’t understand the answers.” But that doesn’t stop The Times! They come up with five possible explanations, and to nobody’s surprise, they get it wrong.

The Other McCain - Charlie Martin Needs Your Help

Instapundit informs us that Charlie needs our help: He had retired to Florida, but when that became too expensive (Bidenflation), Charlie was persuaded to locate to Costa Rica where, he had been assured, the cost of living was more affordable.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 23 October 2024: Floppy Edition

The San Francisco MTA is spending $212 million to move its train control system off floppy disks. (GovTech)

The system was installed in 1998, which is rather late to be using floppy disks that were (assuming it uses 3.5" disks) introduced in 1982. But Compact Flash, the only real alternative at the time that is still supported today, was only introduced in 1994 and was likely not readily available when the project started.

And given that it's been working for 26 years so far, we can't really blame the designers for being short-sighted.

Again from The Other McCain - DOA on the Road to Social Justice

Perhaps there is some kind of useful life lesson to be learned here. Like, avoid teenage girls with criminal records and neck tattoos? Or maybe, high-speed driving and “purple drank” are a bad combination? But I think there are more serious lessons to be learned, about the importance of taking personal responsibility for one’s actions, rather than embracing a victim mentality that turns your life into an eternal hunt for scapegoats you can blame for your problems.

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