18 September 2024

Wednesday Link Roundup - 18 September

William Teach at Pirate's Cove starts things rolling with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. Greenie Watch: Frustrated wannabe authoritarians
  2. Green Jihad: Hollywood Bowl Canceled Due To California Power Grid Strain


Democrat Suspect in custody. President Trump ok. Florida should investigate too.
Instapundit: Is anyone surprised by this?

Political Hat - News of the Week (September 15th, 2024)

Why 30% of Gen Z sympathize with Osama bin Laden
The American education system produces undereducated, radicalized individuals who are indoctrinated with anti-Americanism

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 09.16.24

The Political Hat: No Hope In Venezuela
This Ain’t Hell: Vindman brother accused of embellishing his military service

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 16 September 2024: Well Fuck Edition

DryMerge is an AI powered application connector, like IFTTT (If This Then That) or Xapier, only you talk to it. (Tech Crunch)
Which could be a great idea if it works, but right now it mostly doesn't.

Vlad Tepes - 3rd attempt but who’s counting, Lindsay vid on the American Maoism, sentencing on Coutts convicted compared to ANTIFA who ran over people and more: Links 1 for September 16, 2024

4. In this TwitterX thread, Montreal’s Natasha has a thorough look at the sentencing of the two men from Coutts Alberta, in comparison with an ANTIFA previously convicted Criminal who ran over three Freedom Convoy supporters in his car.

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Trump Assassination Attempts, Round Two

YOU OWN THIS: Kamala Harris Gets WRECKED Following Second Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump. End Wokeness@EndWokeness, "You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator. You own this."

Small Dead Animals - Monday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada: A diversity is our strength video. Challenge to a Muslim association.
Today In Islam: Moderate Muslims in Brooklyn. Policing in Pakistan. Greta the terrorist.

Don Surber - Highlights of the week

ITEM 6: Gerrard Kaonga reported, “Tourist who dropped Cheetos in largest US cave could trigger ‘world-changing’ chaos, parks service warns.”
But the guardrails and trail the parks service installed in the cave are perfectly harmless.

Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage

The Air Vent - Chicken Brains
Watts Up With That? - More Horror Pictures Emerge Showing Locations of Met Office “Extreme” Record Temperatures

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Jack Nicastro reports on the continued progress of California’s ‘progressive’ revolution.
GMU Econ alum Dominic Pino reports on the continued progress of Cuba’s socialist revolution.

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 9/16/24

Daniel Greenfield: Two assassination attempts on Trump in three months.
Kamala Supporter Attempted to Assassinate Trump

Maggie's Farm - Saturday morning links

Stuart's Saturday Miscellany
Kamala Harris Completely Bombs Her First Solo Interview

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The data show voters are not better off under Harris

• Trump: I Will Empty Springfield of Migrants - Jazz Shaw
• Harris Won’t Answer Why Campaign Chief Brian Fallon Keeps Her Hidden From Interviews - CTH

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 09/17/2024

Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure ‘citizens will be on their best behavior.’ A CIA asset, reveling in the fact some day he may not have to fear the conspiracy losing its position.

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 09-15-25 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Here meme, meme, meme from Miguel Gonzalez, MONDAY MEMES from Granite Grok, and Let me know if your Monday sucks as bad as these from Wirecutter.

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