18 September 2024

Med School Researchers - Gun Control Has No Impact on Homicide Rate

They still want more gun control, of course. From Firearms News - Med School Researchers Conclude Gun Control Has No Impact on

We get a study from Duke University published in July of 2024.

Gun control laws have no impact on homicide rates. Those in the gun rights community have always known that. Now, a recent study led by researchers at the Duke University School of Medicine has substantiated it. The study looked at suicide and homicide rates involving children under the age of 18 for the period of 2009 through 2020. Using mortality data from the CDC and a database of state-level firearms laws maintained by the Rand Corporation, they examined the impact of 36 different gun control laws.

Click thru for the details.

Hat tip to Jews Can Shoot.

Despite this conclusion, the lead author of this study is calling for more gun laws. Such is the thinking of the anti-gunners.

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