12 September 2024

The Government Is Hiding Data about Good Guys With Guns

From John R. Lott, Jr. writing at The Federalist: Feds Hiding Data Showing Good Guys With Guns Stop Shootings. Let data (not "misinformation") out in the world that contradicts the narrative? What, you think the US government cares about The Truth?

As for the image, I would say government statistics are the worst kind of lie we have to deal with today.

For years, gun control activists have sought to “debunk” the so called “good guy with a gun myth” in an effort to pass more stringent controls on one of our nation’s most cherished liberties. In support of this agenda, the federal government in conjunction with legacy media has sought to suppress the abundant evidence in support of the truth that armed, law-abiding citizens are one of the most effective deterrents against public mass casualty attacks.

For instance, in 2022, 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mass public shooting using his legally carried concealed handgun. The story became an unusual instance in which the national media covered this heroic action. But an Associated Press headline claimed: “Rare in US for an active shooter to be stopped by bystander.” Meanwhile, a Washington Post headline declared: “Rampage in Indiana a rare instance of armed civilian ending mass shooting.”

But is it rare? How rare? Read the whole thing to find out. (Hat tip to Of Arms & the Law.)

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