12 September 2024

Another Failure of the Victim-Selection Process

And self-defense is legal in the State of Washington. 'I gotta protect my family': Kent homeowner shoots burglar during break-in

“I honestly still keep going back to my bedroom because I’m like, ‘Did it happen?’” he noted, telling KOMO News he was asleep with his wife when an unknown adult male entered their bedroom and turned on the light.

"It was quick. I woke up, and there was this giant standing in my bedroom," he said, referring to the fact that he believed the suspect was at least 6-foot-5.

This is why a perimeter alarm is a good idea if you're a heavy sleeper, and even if you're not.

"I think (being hit with objects) helped to push him out of the door, and I had just enough time to run for my safe (and retrieve my gun)," the homeowner recalled.

Your gun should probably not be in your safe, when you're at home. It takes too long to retrieve from there, but that is only my opinion.

He apparently shot the intruder, because police were called to scene where someone "fitting the description" had a gunshot wound to the torso. They took the injured guy to a hospital.

For reasons known only to them, the police made a point of saying that the homeowner had a concealed carry permit, which you don't need in your own home, but I guess it conveys the idea of "legal gun," or something.

Self-defense is a human-right, and the State of Washington has a long history of recognizing your right to defend yourself and your family.

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