08 September 2024

Some of Gen Z Giving Up on College

Because taking on $120K of debt for a worthless degree is not the best way to go about starting your life. Meet the Gen Zers skipping college to take blue-collar jobs and launch trade businesses

Salary increases and new technologies in fields from welding to manufacturing are helping blue-collar jobs shed the image of being dirty, menial work as a shortage of skilled tradespeople, brought on as older workers retire, creates opportunities for young adults.

That view of skilled trades was pushed by educators. (They stopped being teachers a few generations back; they run indoctrination seminars.) It is why colleges have been free for decades to raise tuition at will, and increase the number of administrators with wild abandon.

The skilled trades make modern life possible. Do you like electric lights? Do you like modern plumbing? Do you like to be able to turn a tap to get clean water? You need skilled trades.

Hat tip to Don Surber: Highlights of the week

ITEM 30: CNBC reported, “Meet the Gen Zers skipping college to take blue-collar jobs and launch trade businesses: ‘One of the smartest decisions I ever made.’ ”

Instead of taking out a student loan, they take out mortgages. Instead of a piece of paper, they have a house. This is what me, my mom and my sisters did in the 1960s and 1970s. It was normal then. Now it is weird.

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