22 September 2024

Old Age & Treachery versus Youth and Exuberance

I have to say that I have come to love the videos from The Fat Electrician. He makes history fun, the way history should be taught, and hasn't been in over 100 years.

The 77th Division during WWII was set up with a bunch of "old guys." The average age of recruit in the 77th Infantry Division was 33 years, while the Army in general the average was 23 years. It was an "experiment" to see what could the older volunteers/draftees could do. They did quite a lot.

Since people like references, here's an article: The Heroes of Hacksaw Ridge from The Saturday Evening Post.

But I would just watch the video. It is 41 minutes, so it is a long watch by itself. If you have any interest in World War II, it is definitely worth it.

This is The Fat Electrician Video Old Age & Treachery - The Unstoppable 77th Infantry Division.

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