07 September 2024

German Police and Political Correctness

From the Publica we get a story of cops not wanting to be called Raaaaacist. Or something. German Police Reportedly “Covered Up” Rape Of 12-Year-Old Girl By Syrian Refugee Who Was Allowed To Walk Free After Arrest

Police in Braunschweig, Germany, are under fire after reportedly failing to inform the public about the rape of a 12-year-old girl by a Syrian migrant last month. The incident, which was kept quiet by local authorities, is said to have occurred on August 10 when a 15-year-old Syrian migrant molested the girl in a public pool before raping her in the changing room.

According to Junge Freiheit, the case was only made public to locals after a resident tipped off a local newspaper which pursued the authorities for details.

If you are not reading The Publica, well it makes me mad most days, but they do have stories that the mainstream ignores.

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