07 September 2024

Becoming the Bull (Reimagined)

I have to say that the Tidal streaming service does a better job of finding me music I actually like, than the other streaming services. I haven't used Spotify in a while, but they were particularly bad at it. Today's song comes to us courtesy of Tidal.

Atreyu has been described as being part of several genres of what today is called Heavy Metal, but this song sounds like it would have been home on a 1980s Rock & Roll station. I like it, and I think you will too.

This song is "Becoming the Bull (Reimagined)" by Atreyu. It was released on 29 August, 2024. As I type this, I'm not sure if a new album or a retrospective album is in the works. I assume one will be produced eventually. This song was originally on their 2007 album Lead Sails Paper Anchor.

Despite what I said about Tidal at the outset, I am considering switching back to Spotify. Spotify is more expensive, and has slightly lower-quality music for playback, but they have a bigger catalog. I don't know why artists or labels would pull stuff off of Tidal, because they pay more in royalties. A whole raft of songs I listen to from Japanese artists disappeared from Tidal recently, and while I am willing to pay for one streaming service, I am not willing to pay for more than one. (If you listen to fairly common music, either Rock from back in the day, or Pop from today, you might save a couple of bucks going to Tidal.)


  1. Have you looked at Deezer?

    1. A little. I will take a closer look. I usually just let Spotify/Tidal/Pandora feed stuff too me, or if I trip over stuff on Social Media. (It isn't bad if you can avoid the political insanity)

  2. "It isn't bad if you can avoid the political insanity": your footwork is obviously better than mine! [GRIN]

    1. I don't always avoid the insanity, but I've gotten better. Log in, look at a few comedy/music/pop-culture folks and log off.


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