02 September 2024

Funded But Incompetent - The FBI and Its Not-So-Secure Storage of Sensitive Data

Someday government agencies will take security seriously. Someday. Watchdog warns FBI is sloppy on secure data storage and destruction: National security data up for grabs, Office of the Inspector General finds

The FBI has made serious slip-ups in how it processes and destroys electronic storage media seized as part of investigations, according to an audit by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General.

You can click thru for the sad details, and what the FBI is going to do to "correct the situation." But I will leave you with the spin.

The spokesperson added that every worker or contractor allowed into the facility has been security vetted, and the entire site is fenced off and has "positive perimeter access control" and intrusion detection systems.

See the story I posted on Sunday about the backdoors in RFID access cards. (Hat tip to Borepatch: FBI security measures laughably weak.)

1 comment:

  1. It's not a "slip-up" but a design feature to make it easier for certain parties to access the databases.


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