14 August 2024

Wednesday Link Roundup - 14 August

William Teach at Pirate's Cove is first with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage.
Vlad Tepes has interesting stories

EBL - Cowardly Tim Walz 🙀

Instapundit: When even Tim Walz's former unit chaplin is calling him "cowardly"
Remember, his own unit is calling Tim Walz a coward.

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.12.24

Postcards From Barsoom: Through The Chilled Years Ahead
Born Lucky: “Censorship Voldemort”, RIP

Don Surber - Highlights of the week

ITEM 8: David Frum wrote, “The Watergate scandal forced [Nixon’s] resignation 50 years ago. Today, he’d probably have gotten away with it.”
Why not? Obama did and he did much, much worse.

Vlad Tepes - Canada and UK benchmarks for the revolutionary replacement of individual rights, reason and law with communism, dialectics and irrational state power: Links 1 for August 11, 2024

2. I don’t think even Chairman Mao thought of charging people for their own struggle sessions. It is interesting that like Mao, Peterson’s struggle session is indefinitely long though.

Political Hat - News of the Week (August 11th, 2024)

Nevada GOP’s “Stolen Valor” Claim on Voter File Clean-Up
Ronald Reagan once famously said, “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.”

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 12 August 2024: Not As Think As Some Drunkle Peep I Am Edition

A scientist accused of cherry-picking studies after announcing he had cherry-picked studies is now accusing his accusers of working for Big Alcohol. (Yahoo)
Yeah, this guy is not interested in the science.

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.13.24

The Political Hat: The Abolition Of Dissent In The U.K.
This Ain’t Hell: When Lori Lightfoot sez you’re crooked

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Elon Talks to Trump, Liberals Rage

Althouse, "The New York Times editorial board will no longer make endorsements in New York elections, including in races for governor and mayor of New York City..." "...

Small Dead Animals - Sunday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada: Former Canadian UN official spying for China. Moderate Islam in Canada.
Woke World: Yearning for importance. Some notes from the sticks. The Sunday hymn.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 8/12/2024

America’s Birth Rates Plunge to ‘Historic Low’ as Deaths Surge
Major concerns are growing among population experts after new data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that America’s birth rates have just plunged

Vlad Tepes - Censorship and communist humiliating regulators: Links 1 for Aug. 13, 2024

5. It isn’t really even news. Trudeau has been funding Islamic and far left wing groups whose purpose is the transformation and negation of Canadian law and values since he got into office, and perhaps before.

Bacon Time - Sunday Linkage

The Air Vent - Too Funny – Thanks Citizen Free Press
Watts Up With That? - EV Dangers Daily Becoming More Evident

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Andrew Stuttaford is not impressed with recent (or past) U.S. industrial policies.
My intrepid Mercatus Center colleague, Veronique de Rugy, reflects on the recent Cato Institute survey of Americans’ attitudes about trade and tariffs.

Maggie's Farm - Saturday morning links

There's Just One Problem: AI Isn't Intelligent
The Rise of Neotoddlerism - How society encourages activists to behave like infants

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The Last Time Walz and Harris Teamed Up, Downtown Minneapolis Was Destroyed -- Now They Are Coming For You

‱ Harris/Walz would take away your Free Speech and here’s how they would do it Flopping Aces
‱ VP Nominee Tim Walz Supports the Right to Infanticide First Things

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 8/13/24

Except it’s not free. Your tax dollars are paying for it.
AGs Sue To Stop Biden-Harris Rule Giving ‘Free’ Health Care To Illegal Aliens

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 08-11-24 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Sunday Funnies from Flopping Aces, Caturday chuckles from Bluebird of Bitterness, and Tuesday's gifs from Wirectter.

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