24 August 2024

The Lies of Tim Walz

The Other McCain brings a story about a lying liar. Tim Walz Lies About Everything

Before we talk about Tim Walz’s latest “gaffe” (which is what the media call it when a Democrat gets caught lying) can we first talk about the underlying issue? Human reproduction is not complicated, and requires no medical assistance. Generations of our ancestors, stretching back to the dawn of history, successfully reproduced without any more help than could be obtained with a bottle of wine to set the mood. To this day, getting pregnant remains so simple that it is easily accomplished by 10th-graders in the backseat of a Dodge. So when you heard Democrats talk about “reproductive health,” you know that some kind of deception is being practiced.

The Other McCain is a father of six, so I'm guessing that he is familiar with "bottle of wine to set the mood" physics.

Anyway read the whole thing.

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