01 August 2024

Secret Service Deleting Emails That Make the Service Look Bad

From Victoria Taft at PJ Media: Secret Service Sniper Warns of Another Assassination Attempt Before Election

A Secret Service counter-sniper predicts there will be another assassination attempt before the November election. And why wouldn't there be? The Secret Service honchos still appear to be caught up in their navel-gazing since the shooting of former President Donald Trump on July 13. Or, as the sniper put it, they've gone into CYA mode.

And then the Secret Service scrubbed the email from the government servers.

Hold on, I'll get to that. But first, let's be thankful for what we do know about the attempted assassination of the former president of the United States.

I would think that deleting the email would be against some records retention law, but I'm not a .gov hack trying to cover my ass over this assassination attempt.

The revelations didn't stop there, however. U.S. senators, and by extension the American people, learned from the acting Secret Service chief that we can't possibly know who was in charge of approving the security for the site the night that former President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated, an American hero was murdered, and two others were critically injured. There are protocols we must follow before we tell the deplorables the name of the woman in charge. Note: I say the person in charge that day was a woman based on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's assertions during the recent House Hearing.

It would be wrong to punish someone before they got due process, the acting Secret Service chief told his overseers in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday. True. I understand this. Until we know her motives for doing a superlatively bad job, why doxx the person whose idiocy nearly changed ANOTHER election and the lives of millions of people who witnessed it?

Go read the whole thing.

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