01 August 2024

If This Wasn't Politics, It Would Be Consumer Fraud

But it is politics. Democrats Bait and Switch Their Own Voters - American Thinker

“Bait and switch” is a form of consumer fraud in which the seller offers a superior item at an attractive price but then withdraws that item and tries to get the buyer to purchase an inferior item at possibly a higher price. “A ‘bait and switch’ is ... a violation of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.” The Democrat party just perpetrated this fraud on its own voters when, after baiting them with an offer of Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate, they sabotaged his candidacy, forced him to withdraw, and substituted Kamala Harris (AKA “Mike Nifong in a Pantsuit”) instead. The Democrats did not allow their registered voters any opportunity to play a role in this selection process.

But then the Democratic Party has given up on the idea of democracy, and they never liked the idea of a constitutional republic. They want to do what they want to do. Don't clutter the issue with (legal) facts, like what the Constitution says.

Although Biden then endorsed Harris for president, we need to remember what he along with Tulsi Gabbard said about her during the 2020 Democrat primaries. It is vital for Republicans to circulate this video on social media as widely as possible between now and the election to remind Democrats that they have been bait-and-switched.

There is more. Click thru for more, including details of her legal career.

But then I don't expect that Harris would be in charge of anything, any more than I believe that Joe Biden is in Charge of anything today, or that he has been in charge of anything for a while. (Hat tip Wirecutter.)

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