17 August 2024

Second City Cop Has Some News from the DNC Prep in Chicago

Would anyone be surprised? Second City Cop: Test Run?

If the blog disappears again, it's because the feds told Google to do it:
  • The “accidental” underground Com Ed transformer fire Wednesday at the SoHo Hotel on the perimeter(Green & Randolph) of DNC security zone suddenly was a source for serious concern when CPD/CFD notified Secret Service it was suspicious and possible test run for bad actors.

You haven't seen the story because the Secret Service had it scrubbed from the news media. (But don't say there is government censorship!)

In 1968 the police in Chicago were mostly in favor of maintaining order. And yes, I'm sure they went overboard. In 2024 cops in Chicago are mostly in favor of not being thrown under a bus by Chicago's mayor, Brandon Johnson. But then Tim Walz was all in favor of Minneapolis burning, maybe we will see Chicago burn.

The DNC starts Monday. Any bets on when the protests will start?

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