16 August 2024

New Orleans Adjusts to Changes in Concealed Carry Law

This actually seems like a reasonable response to a change in the law. Community forum held to answer questions about concealed carry laws

The law says anyone 18 and older can carry a concealed gun without a permit or training, but people cannot bring guns into federal buildings, schools or businesses with signs saying guns are not allowed. There are also guidelines in place for when someone can legally shoot and major consequences for breaking those laws.

The usual suspects are upset, that the new law recognizes the right of self-defense.

And of course they have to offer up an example of a "bad event" that they reluctantly admit doesn't fall under the new law.

It is strange that they couldn't find a single person to interview who agreed with the new in the law. Or maybe it's not so strange.

Media bias? What media bias?

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