16 August 2024

Los Angeles Descends Further Into Chaos

A man was ripped from his car, robbed, his leg was broken, and his car "ransacked." And, our societal rot rolls on.

Why did all of that happen? Because there are no consequences for people breaking the law.

This is what the Lefts’ soft on crime, give them room to destroy, Defund the Police and “mostly peaceful” idiocy gets us. Those policies only embolden thugs. This is the vision that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have for America my friends.

This is where I mention the classic work by Hobbes. Leviathan, which was published in 1651, deals, among other things, with the idea that security is required for civilization to endure. Hobbes describes the State of War that ensues when law and order break down.

You have only the security you can provide yourself. You can't invest in things, because they can be stolen, so you won't buy stuff beyond survival necessities. People won't create art, because they are busy guarding what little they have from the chaos. It goes on from there.

Western Civilization is built on a foundation of law and order. Without law and order, you can't have nice things. You can't have anything really. Or as Hobbes stated it, when there is no force-of-law to keep people in check, things break down, and life become "nasty, brutish, and short."

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