04 August 2024

July in Chicago

Better than expected. July Wrap-up

The July 4th weekend is always in the running for Shitshow of the Year, and this year it posted an award winning performance (Nixon’s fault!). It along with the rest of the first half of the month lineup was on pace for a 90-100 homicide run. Then… the rains came with some tornados and things just stopped (more like slowed, silly decisions can’t be stopped entirely). The back half of the month only posted less than half the killed as the first. Hats off to whoever plugged in Rahm’s old Weather Modification Device. Definitely wasn’t Nixon.

If you've forgotten about the Nixon reference, see this link: Just When You Thought Democrats Couldn't Get Any Dumber. In which Chicago Mayor, Brandon Johnson, blames Richard Nixon (the dead President) for Chicago's gun violence problem.

Anyway, the final tally was as follows:

July 2024: 72 killed, 281 wounded

Sadly, that is an improvement over the past couple of years, though not a large improvement. It is a big improvement over the summer of Saint George of the Floyd.

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