21 August 2024

Gina Carano Calls Out Hollywood

Someone needs to. Gina Carano Denounces Disney: "I Don't Worship Your Business. And My God Is Bigger Than Disney."

The material focus of modern America, and of Hollywood in particular, is a form of religion. Not a particularly deep one.

She responded, “Just from watching and being spiritually aware, I guess, so many of these actors that do so well, it’s like, ‘I am my own god.’ They have everything together. They have the wife. They have the kids. They don’t drink alcohol. They are in shape and all of this, but they believe they are their own god.”

When asked if these actors say it and articulate, Carano replied, “Yeah, a lot of people say that they’re their own god. And it’s a scary thing because I feel that’s almost a harder wall to break down than maybe drugs or alcohol or sex or something that’s more obvious. Is that when you believe that you are your own god that doesn’t like leave room for the real God.”

That is not a situation that holds sway only in Hollywood. Not many people look beyond their own lives for meaning. They have all they need. There is nothing more.

Anyone who doesn't hold that belief has been "excommunicated" from Hollywood. From Dean Cain, to Gina Carano. And more.

On a similar note, you can see my old post How the Entertainment Industry Morphed into Stalinist Oppressors, which is mostly about Clifton Duncan and his experience in the arts, and his cancellation around COVID 19 and the jab.

In a world were you must conform or be destroyed, Clifton Duncan didn't conform. He stepped outside of the bounds dictated for him. I've only seen a few videos he produced, but it is a shame, because he is a wonderful actor.

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