30 August 2024

Friday Links - 30 August

The Other McCain is first with Do Taxpayers in Madison, Wisconsin, Want Schools to Celebrate a Killer?

How did this convicted killer gain heroic status? It can be traced to a 2015 article in The Advocate with the headline, “This Black Trans Man Is in Prison for Killing His Rapist,” which assumes as its core truth a controversial claim about a man who, of course, is not able to tell his side of the story — because Ky Peterson killed him. The article dramatizes Peterson’s version of what happened, even while it discloses (way down in the story, if you read carefully) some inconvenient facts about the case.

American Thinker - Evidence Mounts for Kamala Role in J6 Plot

For a criminal defense attorney, the scariest moment in any trial is when his client unwittingly opens the door to otherwise inadmissible evidence.

On Thursday, during her acceptance speech, Vice-President Kamala Harris opened that door.

Diogenes' Middle Finger - America’s Nuclear Deterrent Must Be Queered!!

Is Ms. Nair an improvement over the last brilliant nuclear official from the administration—the transvestite and kleptomaniac—whose specialty was stealing luggage with women’s designer clothes and then wearing the stolen merchandise in social media posts or at parties with his transvestite friends? Well, she’s arguably worse, if that’s possible. Where do they get these freaks???

The Gateway Pundit - Kamala’s Border Failure Strikes Again! — New Terrifying Video Shows ARMED Venezuelan Migrant Gangsters Taking Over Another Apartment Complex in Aurora, Colorado

The ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border, exacerbated by border czar Kamala Harris’s failed leadership, has reached alarming new heights.

Flopping Aces - Chris Murphy says that victims of illegal alien rape and murder are a bullsh*t narrative

These people are dead because democrats don’t care. These people are dead because of democrat policies. The pain of their families is all too real.

Chris Murphy is a despicable and vile human being.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 28 August 2024: Stawbey Edition

Why AI can't spell "strawberry". (Tech Crunch)

I've said before that currently popular AI models - which is to say, Large Language Models or LLMs - don't understand anything at all except language. They're language models. That's what they do, and it's all they do.

Except that's not quite true, because they don't understand language in any real way either.

First Street Journal - IDF Discovers Bomb Making Lab In West Bank Mosque

The Israel haters always seem to slur Israel for raiding mosques, for attacking, them, for blowing them up, but, the Israel haters keep forgetting about there being an actual reason for when it happens

Again from The Other McCain - Why Would Kamala Harris Lie About Working at McDonald’s Circa 1983?

Whether she did or didn’t work at McDonald’s, this claim would help her seem as if she could relate to the plight of workers. But why not mention it in any of her previous campaigns, for California attorney general or U.S. Senate? Why wait until 2019?

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