16 August 2024

Friday Links - 16 August

Moonbattery is first with the news that San Francisco Dies as Tourist Attraction

San Francisco used to be a major tourist attraction, drawing revenue from around the world. The inevitable consequences of moonbattery are putting a stop to this.

Disinformation Expert Ace at Ace of Spades - Tim Walz Denies Having Any Relationship With Pro-Hamas, Pro-Hitler Muslim Hate-Preacher. Then the Video Drops, In Which Walz Praises the Hitler & Holocaust Fan as a "Master Teacher."

The Democrats and their Media Arm are parsing their words carefully. Walz has no "personal relationship" with the Hitler loving terror preacher, they say.

It's merely a political relationship! So no big deal!

The Other McCain - Watching CNN (So You Don’t Have To)

It is rather amusing that CNN, which can’t get an interview with Kamala Harris, slams Musk for scoring an interview with Trump, an interview that is much more popular than anything on CNN. In between endless hype of Kamala (the candidate who won’t even talk to them), CNN spent Tuesday airing a lot of coverage about the alleged strategic errors of the Trump campaign.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 14 August 2024: Long Distance Breakup Edition

Meanwhile Texas is suing General Motors, alleging that the company misled customers into handing over rights to their driving data. (Tech Crunch)

Which GM then sold to insurance companies for pennies.

Texas is seeking fines of $10,000 per offense - that is, for every car sold in the state since 2015.

Meep at Stump - Chicago Is My Kind of Town To Beat Up On: 2016 edition.

It’s a week until the DNC starts, and I have yet to get 2016-2023 of beating up on Chicago to get done… so let me get cracking!

Again from The Other McCain - Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Media’s ‘Misinformation’ Obsession

Insofar as Democrats were not already crazy — because anyone who votes Democrat cannot be entirely sane — the trauma of the 2016 election drove them completely bonkers and they’ve never recovered.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - More Anti-Boeing Sleep System Testing

In my last post I explained I’m planning an epic (in my eyes) motorcycle/camping trip. I’m taking Honey Badger (my diminutive Yamaha TW200) so I have to sort through my gear looking for small light things, or buy new small things, or just get by somehow on my savage ingenuity. It’ll be remote-ish. I’m traveling solo. I’m looking forward to it.

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