05 August 2024

Cops Behaving Badly - Death From Neglect Edition

What do you call it when corrections officers deny medical treatment to the point of death? Former Walker County Jail worker pleads guilty in death of Anthony 'Tony' Mitchell - WVUA 23

Anthony Mitchell died weeks after his arrest. His death was deemed a homicide.

According to the plea agreement, Jones and several co-conspirators actively denied medical access to Mitchell, saying he was too combative to be evaluated. During Mitchell’s time at the jail, he exhibited severe mental health symptoms and was often covered in his own feces.

On the day Mitchell died, a nurse who’d seen Mitchell ordered that he be taken to a hospital immediately, but Jones and several co-conspirators did not follow that order until more than three hours after it was given. Once Mitchell arrived at the hospital, Jones learned that Mitchell’s mother had been called to the emergency room. He overheard Mitchell’s mother giving permission to medical staff to remove Mitchell from life support.

I believe I would call this "depraved indifference to human suffering."

There is another allegation of mistreatment in that jail, but the other case didn't result in a death. Click thru for details.

This is one guy who admitted his involvement. My guess is that there will be others charged. I'm also pretty sure that whoever is in charge of this facility will express dismay that this could be going on, and not even get a slap on the wrist. Managers (or senior officers) are never held accountable for their failure to actually manage anything.

Civilization was nice while it lasted.

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