23 July 2024

Tuesday Links - 23 July

Mike Rowe brings us A True Story, Brought to You By Elon Musk

The first clue that something might be amiss inside my friend’s lake house came in the form of a large pile of bear crap on the stone steps leading down to the front door. I’ve had some experience with bear crap over the years, (feces from every species, in fact,) and immediately recognized this particular pile of scat as coming from a member of the Ursidae family.

The Other McCain - The Detroit-ification Syndrome

Having written thousands of words on this subject — there’s a whole chapter in Donkey Cons about the damage that Democrats have inflicted on urban America — perhaps I mistakenly take it for granted that other people understand this problem as well as I do. But then I look at current trends and realize that white liberals continue to vote for Democrats who pursue the same path of destruction that made Coleman Young infamous.

Lone Star Parson - Some Kind Of Pathetic Joke?

The sheer level of lying drivel being spewed at us by our agitprop press and beloved rulers has reached dropped-on-head-as-infant levels of Soviet imbecility. Have you ever seen anything like it, here in the West. I haven't, this is a whole new stage of weirdness.

The Gateway Pundit - As Athletes Head to Paris, Israeli Olympians Threatened: “Prepare for the Intifada!”

The world is gearing up for the 2024 Summer Olympics as the July 26 opening ceremony in Paris, France, approaches.

Athletes from Israel, however, are facing increasingly violent threats and will receive additional security from armed Shin Bet agents.

Again from The Other McCain - A Near-Miss in ‘Killadelphia’

Probably in your neighborhood, such incidents are rare, but in the Holmesburg neighborhood of Philadelphia?

Tam at View From The Porch - AttackBot

A robotic scout dog that cops can use to knock the various "Internet of Things" devices in your house offline in preparation for a SWAT raid sounds like something out of a Terminator sequel, but here we are.

SiGraybeard - 55 Years Ago This Afternoon, Apollo 11 Was Leaving the Moon

At 9:44 AM, when Mission Control sent their wake up call to Collins, someone in Mission Control noted,"Not since Adam has any human known such solitude as Mike Collins is experiencing during this 47 minutes of each lunar revolution when he's behind the Moon with no one to talk to except his tape recorder aboard Columbia."

The Dossier - Exclusive: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say

Several law enforcement officers on duty that day were informed over the radio that the president was dealing with an unspecified medical emergency. Far from a case of the sniffles, this was sent out on encrypted police airwaves as if something akin to a five-alarm fire had broken out.

Our sources estimate that it was “easily” hundreds of Las Vegas Metropolitan officers and employees who heard the broadcasts live, so a curious media shouldn’t have a problem reporting any follow-ups to this story.

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