23 July 2024

The Democrats Have a Scapegoat for the Assassination Attempt

From the NY Post: Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigns after shocking failures led to Trump assassination attempt

Now you will be asked to forget anything bad happened. The person "responsible" has resigned. What else do you want?

Cheatle, a 28-year veteran of the agency, faced mounting pressure to step down in recent days but insisted all along she would remain on the job. She announced her resignation in a letter to agency staffers on Tuesday morning.

There is a recap of everything that went wrong. But this comment was perhaps worst:

Among her baffling remarks was an admission to ABC News that the reason Secret Service agents weren’t posted on the roof from which Thomas Matthew Crooks fired on the rally crowd was because it was too “sloped,” creating an unacceptable “safety factor” for the agents.

Baffling because the roof in question had a slope of about 1 inch rise for every 12 inches of run. In other words you would be hard pressed to find a "sloped" roof closer to flat than the roof were Crook took his shot.

Hat tip goes to The Other McCain: Secret Service Boss Resigns After Disastrous Congressional Testimony.

Well, that was quick.

1 comment:

  1. They may think they do, but she is just the first that should go.


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